
brand design

Your brand is so much more than just a logo. In today’s incredibly digital world, brand identity expands in so many facets; Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, websites, blogs, etc. I want to create a memorable and recognizable brand for you. Perhaps you’re thinking “what do I need brand patterns for?” Not to worry, I include a brand guide which walks you through every element and is complete with links to resources on how you can utilize each brand component successfully.  

brand build out

· Curated Inspiration Board

· Primary Logo

· Logo Variations  

· Brand Marks

· Custom Brand Patterns

· Typography Curation

· Brand Color Palette

· Brand Style Board 

· E-mail Signature Design

· Choice of Print Collateral Design

· Social Media Icon

· Custom Instagram Stories Icons

· Social Media Templates

· Brand Launch graphics

· Brand Elements Guide


· Template based Responsive Website

· Branded color palette and font curation

· Custom graphics and headers

· Installation of homepage and interior pages

· Website Launch Graphics

· Connect to Social Media Accounts

· Website Content Planner

· E-Commerce implementation available

· Domain procurement available

· Website Management Guide 

· 2 weeks of unlimited email support post launch

please contact me for pricing details


Blog Design
Boat Logos and Gear
Brand Naming Brainstorm Session
Custom Brand Graphics
Custom Wallpaper and Fabric Design

please contact me for pricing details

Digital Collateral
Home and Estate Logos and Gifts
Newsletter Design and Templates
Online Brochures/Digital Downloads
Package Design

Podcast Cover Design
Print Collateral
Product Design
Social Media Templates
Textile and Pattern Design

the secret to getting ahead is getting started.

please contact me for pricing and details

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to get started

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-mark twain

Just getting started and not quite ready for a full brand identity package?  Please contact me for other brand package options.

Websites offered via ShowIt, Squarespace and Shopify 
(I will consult you on which platform best fits your needs)